Although a few congress-critters made noises about outlawing "bump-stocks" (which make an assault weapon act like a machine gun) after the Las Vegas tragedy, it now looks like Congress will do nothing at all. Too many congress-critters have been bought and paid for by the NRA and gun manufacturers -- and decided that mass killings and American lives are not as important as campaign donations.
The American public disagrees. About 68% want Congress to take action to reduce gun violence in this country. And 94% want ALL GUN BUYERS to have to submit to a background check before being able to purchase a firearm. And that's not all. About 64% want assault weapons banned, and an equal 64% want magazines holding more than 10 bullets banned.
The level of violence may not concern Congress, but it certainly concerns the American people -- and they want something done about it.
These charts were made from information in a new Quinnipiac University Poll -- done between October 5th and 10th of a random national sample of 1,482 voters, with a 3 point margin of error.