Public Still Prefers Broadcast News To Cable News

Posted on the 28 March 2014 by Jobsanger
The Pew Research Center has released its yearly look at the State of the News Media. It's a fairly comprehensive look at all different types of news media -- TV, radio, digital, and print media. It's an interesting read, and I recommend you go to their site and read the whole thing if this kind of thing interests you.
One of the things I found most interesting is contained in the above chart -- the primetime numbers for the major national TV news outlets. The cable news outlets would like for people to believe they are making significant inroads into the three broadcast networks, but that is just wishful thinking. The truth is that when it comes to getting news in the nightly primetime, the American public still trusts the broadcast channels over the cable channels (including Fox) -- and the numbers are not even close.