This poll shows how little respect the public has for Donald Trump. Americans are proud of their democracy, and the institutions created by the Constitution to preserve that democracy. But they don't think Donald Trump has the same respect for those institutions that they have.
A whopping 65% (nearly 2/3 of the public) say Trump has little or no respect for our democratic institutions, while only 34% thinks he has a great deal or fair amount of respect for those institutions.
There is good reason for believing this. Since taking office, Trump has shown admiration for authoritarian regimes (Russia, Turkey, Philippines, etc.), while picking fights with and disrespecting our democratic allies (Mexico, Australia, Germany, France, etc.). He has also registered his displeasure with Congress and the Courts -- and seems to want to rule by executive order (bypassing both).
This result is from a new AP / NORC Poll -- done between June 8th and 11th of a random national sample of 1,068 adults, with a margin of error of 4.1 points.
The poll also asked respondents if they approved of the job Trump is doing (see chart below). Only 35% approved, while 64% disapproved.