Evidently, Donald Trump doesn't care what most Americans think as long as he can keep his rabid group of trumpistas happy. While the trumpistas were happy with his pardon of bigot Joe Arpaio, ab significant majority (60%) of Americans thought it was the wrong thing to do. That's a 26 point gap over those who thought it was right.
And it's not just the pardon where the public disagrees with Trump. They generally disagree with him on immigration. By 19 points, the public says immigrants help this country more than they hurt it. And by a 45 point gap, they would prefer undocumented immigrants be able to apply for legal status than be deported. Americans also support the DACA program (which stops the deportation of undocumented children who've grown up in this country) by a 34 point gap over those who oppose it.
Those are not tiny numbers, and they show that Trump's bigotry against immigrants is not shared by the public.
These charts reflect the results of an NBC News / SurveyMonkey Poll -- done between August 24th and 29th of a random national sample of 10,129 adults, with a margin of error of 1.4 points.