Public Likes Time Magazine Choice For "Person Of The Year"

Posted on the 28 December 2014 by Jobsanger

Each year at this time, Time Magazine chooses a "Person of the Year". Time says it criterion for choosing is "the person or persons who most affected the news and our lives, for good or ill, and embodied what was important about the year". In some years, the public has not liked Time's choice, because an unpopular person or group was chosen. That is not the case with this year's choice -- the Ebola caregivers.
As the chart above shows, a significant majority of Americans (65%) think that was a good choice. I agree with them. These Ebola caregivers put their own safety in jeopardy (and some actually contracted the virus themselves) to take care of the ill, to curb the epidemic, and to show the world that the virus could be successfully fought. And they have been remarkably successful.
The president also agreed with the choice, and White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said:
“Health care workers on the front lines of the Ebola fight certainly aren’t in it for the recognition, but today their heroism and selflessness was on display because of TIME magazine’s decision to name them its person of the year. The Administration, including the President, could not be prouder of the brave men and women who’ve committed themselves to this effort in a foreign land.”
The above chart was made from a YouGov Poll done between December 10th and 12th of a random national sample of 1,000 adults, and has a margin of error of about 4 points.