Public Is Not Buying Trump's Excuses On The Investigation

Posted on the 15 August 2018 by Jobsanger
Public Is Not Buying Trump's Excuses On The Investigation
Public Is Not Buying Trump's Excuses On The Investigation
Donald Trump is running scared. As the Mueller investigation continues, and grows ever closer to Trump himself, he's trying all kinds of excuses. One of the biggest is to label that investigation as a "witch hunt". That's not being accepted by most Americans at all.
A majority of the public (51%) say the Mueller investigation is being conducted fairly, while only 33% (about the size of Trump's base) say it is not fair. That's a significant 18 point gap.
One of Trump's newest excuses is that his campaign was just meeting with the Russians to get info on his opponent, and this is something that's not only acceptable, but is done by all politicians. That is not the way the public sees it. By a 67 point margin (12% acceptable and 79% unacceptable), the public says it is NOT acceptable to get information on your political opponent from a foreign power (like Russia). Even many in his base don't like that!
The charts above are from the newest Quinnipiac University Poll -- done between August 9th and 13th of a national sample of 1,175 voters, with a margin of error of 3.4 points.