Public Believes Economy And Trump Tax Plan Favor Rich

Posted on the 17 October 2017 by Jobsanger

During the Reagan administration, the Republicans instituted their supply-side economic policy (commonly known now as "Trickle-Down" economics). They promised that giving more tax breaks and less regulations to the rich and corporations would benefit everyone in the country. They lied.
The rich got much richer, the poor got poorer, and the middle class has shrunk (and continues to shrink). Democrats have tried to change the economic policy, but Republicans have blocked all those efforts. The truth is that the GOP economic policy has been good for only one class of people -- the rich.
Now, it looks like Americans are finally figuring that out (after too many years of believing the Republican lies). A new poll shows that a significant majority of Americans believe the current economic policy favors the rich.
Trump, and his GOP colleagues in Congress, are once again trying to fool the American people. They say they are giving a huge tax cut to the middle class. It's not true. Most of those tax cuts will go to the corporations and the rich -- the only entities that don't need a tax cut (and shouldn't get one).
The same poll shows that the public is not buying the lie this time. They believe it's just more trickle-down, with the rich getting favored by the tax plan. The public is in favor of a tax cut, but they don't think that cut should go mainly to the rich.
The charts represent the findings in a new CBS News / YouGov Poll -- done between October 11th and 13th of a random national sample of 2,371 adults, with a 2.5 point margin of error.