Public Art in The City of London – Sara Barker at Angel Court

By Janeslondon

Angel Court echoes an ancient path that today links Throgmorton Street to Copthall Avenue between high-rise glass office buildings. During Lockdown, whilst wandering the City of London's quiet streets on a hunt for works made by women (working title: Formed by Females*) I tracked down two metalwork sculptures created by Sara Barker in 2017. 

Earlier this month I revisited these works and took these photos. First, 'Selvedge With Dark' at the Throgmorton Street end. I really like the subtle interplay of the overlaid flat mesh panels. I am a sucker for a grid pattern.

At the other end of Angel Court, high of the wall is this piece called 'Last of Light (Three Needles)' which references the old name of nearby Three Needle Street (Threadneedle St):

*The whole point of this had been to highlight how few pieces of pubic art have been created by women. Well, it turns out there are lots!  For instance, across the metropolis, we also have excellent works by Frick, Hambling, Jonzen and Hepworth to name just four and, also in the City, between Cannon Street and Queen Victoria Street, is one of my favorite pieces (actually three large pieces) 'Forgotten Streams' by Cristina Iglesias here – you might recall her similarly excellent installation in Burlington House courtyard as part of the RA Summer Show 2022.