PUA/Game: The Incel Problem Is Clearly One of Perspective

Posted on the 10 June 2018 by Calvinthedog

This is really what the whole damn problem is all about.

I have a friend who is a Brahmin in India. Really smart, really nice, writer who writes books. Also very handsome. He told me he was a virgin til he married at age 32, and so was his wife of the same age. He said this was just normal in Brahmin families, and no one cared. I asked him if he ever felt inferior, lame, failed, depressed, idiotic, incompetent, or ashamed of being a 32 year old virgin, and he said of course not. I asked him if anyone made fun of him for being a 30+ virgin, and he said of course not, people don’t do that here.

It’s not so much the celibacy itself, it is the value you and society place on it. Like so many other things in life. Read some philosophy. Philosophers talk about this a lot.

It’s not the thing itself. It is the value that is placed on the thing that mattes. The thing itself has little obvious meaning in many cases.

Actually Wittgenstein came around to this in his second book. He ruled out valuation in Tractatus, assuming that humans were purely logical.

By the time Logical Investigations rolled around, he changed his mind and decided that meaning or words in language was determined by culture or society and not mathematically via some logic of observing some phenonemon and describing it. His latter position is correct. Most things are relative, spectrums are everywhere you look, and everything’s a gray area. Which is quite a liberating thought, if you dare to believe it. I agree it’s a tough meal. Close your eyes, say the Hell with it, and swallow it whole. That’s how you ingest life’s most painful and resisted truths.

You see, people hate gray areas. They hate spectrums. Mostly because people are basically stupid but also because they scare easily, and once you sort of say everything’s more or less up for grabs, you’re tossing the whole universe like a damned salad. Most people don’t want that. They want to be sure about stuff. Even if it’s bullshit, at least they can be sure of their bullshit.

Right, wrong, or indifferent, this is what I believe, and can we please move along now? Can you pass the olives, please? So where were we now, remind me? Oh yes, your vacation. Do carry on. I so want to hear about this.

Life’s not easy; it’s actually quite difficult. But humans always want to take the easy route, and why not? Life’s doesn’t make much sense, but who wants to live in the terror of a senseless universe but guys like Sartre? No one. We want things to be easy, and we want them to make sense, and facts and truth be damned, we will get what we want. Which is reasonable but sad.