JackiLB: And on the subject of women reporting real sexual assault and the abuse of power – good for them! The ones who are milking or lying are just creating a ‘one up mans ship’ to some of the shit men amongst you who throw shit at us. Iam not saying that is good for anyone to lie and condemn the opposite sex, but those feminists are just using the opportunity to score a ‘home goal’. Get over it and watch some male shit heads treating women like dogs!
Sexual assault is mostly bullshit too. Guys are always grabbing women’s asses, tits, bodies and whatnot. I don’t generally do that, but I have grabbed women before, and I was not in a dating relationship with them. But they asked for it because they were always touching me! I would only do it if I got a very serious green light or if she started touching me.
Also I do not grab. I often touch very softly instead. Do you realize that every time you touch a woman without her consent, it’s a sexual assault!? I touch women in public fairly regularly, generally women I know. But even then, I touch them very softly on the back or shoulder with my index finger. I touch them so softly that I am amazed that they can even feel it. And then I act deferential and almost apologetic when she turns around.
If you touch them very softly like that and don’t act sexual when she turns around, it’s pretty hard for them to get upset. I don’t think grabass is a normal part of sane and healthy flirting unless she is really ramping it up. To tell you the truth, women and girls have grabbed and touched me in the back, ass, side, and cock. They’ve done it many times. Or they rubbed their bodies up against yours. They’ve done that to me countless times. When I used to wear my leather jacket to punk rock concerts, the punker girls were always coming up and running their hands all over it and saying how much they loved my jacket. A lot of times they do it subtly. Like they start scratching the back of your hand very softly when they are standing next to while turned away from you.
I have never complained because I am a man, and I don’t particularly care if women touch me. In fact, I usually like it. It’s a compliment at the very least.
These women are babies. They act like we men have cooties or something. Now grabbing tits and asses is not cool if you do not know her quite well already or if she did not greenlight you, but it’s not raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaape!
But if you go around grabbing female strangers tits, asses and other body parts out in public, you might just get arrested. And you know what? You will deserve it. Don’t do it!
Feminists have endlessly extended the definition of rape way beyond what it used to be. My Mom always told me force or the threat of force, that’s the definition of rape. Basically you can do just about anything you want short of that. That’s the only sane definition of rape that makes sense.
Now feminists say you need affirmative consent before you do anything. If I am on a date, I have to ask her every time I touch her. Well, the Hell with that. I ain’t doing it. If we want to kiss women, we have to ask their Goddamned permission. Well, you know what? If this goes through, then all men will be lifetime virgins. You don’t ask for permission to do anything with a woman unless you both have your clothes off and are having some sort of sex. Even then you don’t ask permission. You ask, “Do you want to bla bla bla?” Sometimes you ask permission, like if she wants you to spank her.
One thing I learned very early on in dating, all the way back in highschool when I first started dating at age 16, is you never ask permission to do anything sexual with a girl or woman. And especially, you never ask her if she wants to have sex. She’s just going to say no.
Seduction is the art of trickery because often females don’t want to do it. So we men have to trick them or fool them into doing sexual things with us. The number one rule of seduction is, “Shut off her damn brain!” You’ve got to shut off her silly brain because otherwise it will be sending her all these contradictory signals, and she’s going to be changing her mind all the time, bailing on sexual things she previously agreed to, and all sorts of idiotic, crazy, childish bullshit.
Once you get that brain shut off, it’s a lot more fun for both you and her. You have to get her to where her brain is off and she is just caught up in the moment of being horny and she’s not thinking! Nothing kills sex more than thinking. And I can’t think of a worse anti-aphrodisiac then, “Do you want to have sex?” I have had a lot of sex in my life, and I have never asked that stupid question one time. You don’t even ask it with long-term girlfriends. You just start doing things or she starts doing things and you just take it from there. Sex only works when it is mostly a non-verbal and non-intellectual experience.
Now it’s sexual assauuuuuuuuuuult or raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaape if you to anything sexual with her without getting her Goddamned permission first.
Had sex with her without getting her damned permission? It’s raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaape.
Didn’t have sex but did other sexual things instead? It’s sexual assauuuuuuuuuuult.
Had sex with her and she didn’t say no? It’s still raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaape because you couldn’t read her Goddamned mind and figure out she didn’t want to do it because she was too stupid to say no. Because for some insane reason, silence doesn’t equal consent. Well, yes it does!
Talked her or argued her into it and had sex with her? It’s raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaape. Done it hundreds of times. Part of the art of seduction is figuring out how to talk her into it. And there are many or possibly endless different ways to do this. You have to use whatever method is going to work best with that female at that time.
Gave her orders and had sex with her? It’s raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaape. Hell yeah, done it scores of times. Just say sternly, “Get over on that bed right now!” and watch her scamper submissively over to the bed and then sit up obediently with an ashamed look on her face. She’s acting like a little girl! Many females actually love to be given orders and told what to do. It brings out their submissive side.
She’s intoxicated on alcohol or any other drug and you had sex with her? Done it so many times I cannot even count. It’s raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaape. Bullshit. If she’s passing in and out of consciousness, it’s a dickkiller anyway, and you really can’t do it. If she’s out cold, it is rape and you are part necrophiliac. If she’s passed out, don’t do it, you necros! Dosing her with a date rape drug is just out and out rape, period. Don’t do it! You want to go down on a rape charge? It’s a very sleazy and dirty thing to do anyway. But if she’s loaded or drunk and horny, go for it!
Threaten to break up with her unless she has sex with you? It’s raaaaaaaaaaaaaaape. It’s a bit dirty, and I never did it, but it’s not rape. People issue ultimatums like that all the time, threatening to break up with someone unless they do this or that. So what!