PUA/Game: Single Men as a Societal Problem

Posted on the 24 June 2017 by Calvinthedog

Single men live much shorter lifespans because they don’t have a woman to take care of them. Men hate going to the doctor. Single men drink more, take drugs more, gamble more, eat poorly, do not mind their health, get into more fights with other men, commit more crimes, drive faster, take more risks. All of that adds up to a shorter lifespan. Single men are actually a problem for society and this was one reason that the marriage institution was put into place. The Gold Rush was a great example of what happens when you flood a state with countless single men from all over the world with greed in their eyes, guns in their pants and no women to control them. The crime rate in the Gold Rush was 20-30X what it is now. That was exclusively a feature of a hordes of single men, little or no law enforcement, lots of guns, and lots of gold and money. They had hangings in the Gold Rush camps every weekend. Men would get roaring drunk on Friday and  Saturday night, go to the hangings on Saturday afternoon, and clean up and go to church on Sunday. The few women who came to California were prostitutes and there were not nearly enough of those.

Society realized long ago that single men were a problem and were bad for society. Landlords used to charge them higher rents because they caused more problems. Many occupations discriminated against single men. Eventually it became quite taboo to be single past a certain age when it would be assumed you were homosexual or there was something wrong with you. A lot of the prejudice was simply homophobia. Presciptions on premarital sex for women and extramarital sex with everyone made it difficult for single men to get sex without paying for it. These restrictions on women were in part to control female sexuality as all societies do, but they were also as a sort of a weapon to be wielded against single men. “You want sex? Well then get married. You want to be a bachelor? No problem. No pussy then,  guy.” Back in my father’s day it was not an exaggeration that many men married for sex. Sure they were in love with their wives too in many cases, but women really do not want to hear about how many men married for sex back then.