Psychology Blogs Gain Popularity in All Areas of Research

Posted on the 01 December 2013 by Dfennell @BloggerGo

Why do so many regard “shrinks” as a fascinating breed? So much so that professionals from all walks of life have often considered a career change into the field of psychology, at one time or another.

Why? Well, for one thing, it’s “the fastest-growing major subject,” according to Dr. Charlie Ball, labor-market analyst at Graduate Prospects, a graduate careers advisory service.

For those that find it financially impossible to switch careers, many would-be psychologists are trying their hand at blogging on various psychological topics. Others who are bona fide professionals in the field use blogging as an excellent opportunity to extend their knowledge to a broader audience.

Today there are virtually hundreds if not thousands of blogs that address various aspects of psychology research. Here are some of the most popular.


MindHacks is a collection of probes into the moment-by-moment workings of our brain with a view to understanding ourselves a little better, and learning a little more, in a very real sense, about what makes us tick. It’s administered by Tom Stafford and Matt Webb. Their book under the same title was published by O’Reilly.


This award-winning blog site is about scientific research into how the mind works. The case studies psychologist Jeremy Dean covers have been published in reputable academic journals that delve into many different areas of psychology.

Some of the topics covered recently included a series on the “Top 10 social psychology studies,” the “7 sins of memory,” and ‘The psychology of money.” The blog is designed so readers can link to articles arranged by psychological themes.

The Mouse Trap

Blogger Sandeep Gautam has documented his psychological journey in “The Mouse Trap,” and shares his knowledge of psychology and neuroscience with readers. His 9-to-5 job is software professional (a computer science major); as such, all his musings (he admits) need to be taken with a pinch of salt. His writings often touch on autism, creativity, and personality research.


Panic! is a blog that covers the gamut regarding panic attacks, anxiety, depression, and related topics. The writer of this site has been dealing with panic disorders for twenty years. To give you some insight into the blog’s focus, one of its recent postings introduced “Flowy,” a mobile app for managing panic.

Hypnosis Downloads

Hypnosis Downloads was established by Roger Elliott and Mark Tyrrell, the directors of Uncommon Knowledge, a group that believes strongly in common sense psychology.

According to their team, they perceive “the Internet is awash with web sites which offer hypnosis products and services that have not been created by experienced professionals, nor are they based on current research-based practices. Some of these programs are of limited or no use, while others may do more harm than good.”

Instead, at Hypnosis Downloads they work within strict ethical guidelines to insure their programs meet the highest professional standards, based on current research and knowledge. They also enlighten readers as to what hypnosis is good for and will provide you with a good number of examples: weight loss, for one.

Popular psychology should not be confused with psychobabble, which is often used to dress up sales pitches or self-help programs under the guise of respectable scientific approach. The blogs highlighted above are not examples of that group, but are published by professionals who seek real solutions to real problems.