PSA: Keep Your Eyes on the Road

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
The issue of driving while using a cellphone is no longer just ensuring hands-free usage. New directives by the police allow them to issue tickets for using a cellphone even when it is not being held by the driver but now even if the police just notice the driver looking down and at places inside the car and not at the road will be enough for a ticket - no need to actually see a cellphone.
source: Walla News and Ynet
The websites all refer to Waze as the problem and say that even if you keep the phone in your lap and look down at it to see the Waze directions, you'll get the ticket. The problem is not just Waze but Whatsapp, email, Facebook, texts and every other app on the cellphone. Not only that, but even looking back at your fighting kids could be a reason to ticket you under this new directive.
Personally I feel the law should now require all cars to have a phone dash-mount installed with Bluetooth speakers. And I think all new cars should come with a universal mount and charging port, so the driver will not have to worry about these things. Pretty much all new cars already come with Bluetooth, and they should also come with phone mounts and charging ports.
Anyways, drivers beware... keep your hands off your phone and your eyes on the road...
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