PSA: "I Felt I Was Stealing Groceries". Lema'an Achai - Kimche Depischa

By Gldmeier @gldmeier

'Rivka Cohen' was explaining how she felt about her family's finances.
"Our debts were mounting, we owed so many people money, and I knew we couldn't ever pay them back. It was a nightmare, with no end."
Rivka's story of that nightmare, the overwhelming debts, the resulting family crises, legal suits, and depression, included one passing detail about how even a simple trip to the local store was traumatic.
"When I went shopping for food, I felt like a thief in the night. Even putting basic foods, bread, milk, vegetables, a chicken, into my cart.
"How could I be buying this stuff - buying anything - when we owed the money I was spending? I felt that these are stolen goods."
Together with Lema'an Achai's financial counselors, the Cohens gradually addressed their financial problems, reduced their debts, increased revenue, and learned to budget their daily expenses.
"We now have a budget for regular debt repayments, agreed with all the creditors, and therefore we also have a realistic budget for what we can spend for the family.
"This Pesach for the first time in five years, I bought our family's groceries with a clear conscience.
"This Pesach, we felt freed from the burden of debt and financial chaos; we see we've got process and order in our finances and, even more than that, we have regained control of our lives.
"Thank you Lema'an Achai".
 When you donate your Kimche D'pischa to Lema'an Achai, you are doing so much more than solely giving some staples to a needy family, which often just creates a cycle of dependence.
When you give to Lema'an Achai - your are helping over two hundred and twenty families out of poverty; you are investing in their future of empowerment and financial freedom.
To donate conveniently now:
Phone: 02-99999.33
Mail: The Lema'an Achai Center, 40/7 Nahal Lachish, Ramat Bet Shemesh, 99093.
Or via your shul gabbai.
Chag Kasher Vesameach!
David & Avrohom
Lema'an Achai
Please pass this post on to friends and family who may appreciate the opportunity to support "Smart Chesed". 
David Morris,    Rabbi Avrohom Leventhal          
Chairman,         Executive Director
Tel: +972 2 9991553
Donations 24/6: 02 99999.33
The Lema'an Achai Center 40/7 Nachal Lachish,
Ramat BeitShemesh
99093 ISRAEL.
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