Both the PS4 and Xbox One have reasonable clock speeds, but they aren't as close to the beefier rigs on the market. The Xbox One is clocked at 1.75Ghz whereas the PlayStation 4 is rumored to be a clocking at 1.6Ghz with the capability to be over clocked at 2.75Ghz. The question is, does clock speed really matter when talking about raw performance.
GamingBolt recently spoke with Joe van den Heuvel from Cloakworks, a company that specializes in cloth simulation in video games. “Clock speed isn’t always a reliable way to compare the relative performance of two different processors,” Joe tells us. “The key difference with the processors of the latest generation is that they are a lot wider. The number of floating point operations that a can be done with a single SIMD instruction has doubled since the last generation. The number of processor cores has increased as well, and so has the memory bandwidth. This all adds up to a massive opportunity to do work in parallel, and Shroud takes full advantage of that; it can go very wide to enable outstanding throughput performance,” he further explains.
“DX12 is very exciting for us! As a CPU-based technology, having more CPU processing power available is always a plus. But more than that, pushing the results of the cloth simulation to the GPU to be rendered every frame has some overhead associated with it. If DX12 can help reduce this overhead it could make using Shroud even more attractive to developers,” he explained.