PS4′s 8GB GDDR5 RAM ‘Allowed Us To Crank Everything To Maximum’: Outlast Dev

Posted on the 02 February 2014 by Sameo452005 @iSamKulii

Outlast will be hitting the PS4 this week as a free title for Plus owners, and the devs have reiterated how easy it was to get the game up and running on the system.
GamingBolt recently had a chance to speak to Red Barrels co-founded Philippe Morin about the PlayStation 4 version of Outlast and how the console’s 8GB GDDR5 RAM helped in porting the game from the PC.
Morrin stated that, “It allowed us to crank everything to the maximum, without having to consider lower specs. It also helped for streaming issues.” As for how easy it was to port the engine to the PS4, he stated that, “We had access to the code of Zombie Studios [developer of Blacklight: Retribution] and we built on top of it. The whole process has been fairly easy.”