Prunus Lannesiana

By Davis Landscape Architecture @DavisLandArch

Prunus lannesiana (18/04/2015, The Prince Park, Tokyo, Japan)

Position: Full sun to dappled shade

Flowering period: Spring

Soil: Moist, well drained

Eventual Height: 12m

Eventual Spread: 12m

Hardiness: 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b


Prunus lannesiana Leaf Flower (18/04/2015, The Prince Park, Tokyo, Japan)

Prunus lannesiana is a deciduous tree with a spreading habit. Its dark green leaves are elliptic with serrate margins, up to 10cm long and 6cm broad. Its leaves turn yellow/ orange before they fall in autumn. Its pale pink fragrant flowers are up to 4cm across and appear at the same time as the leaves in clusters of up to 6. Its black fruit, the cherry, is a small globose drupe which is up to 1cm across.

Prunus lannesiana is native to south east Japan. Prunus lannesiana is a name given to a wide range of cherries believed to be derived from Prunus speciosa and Prunus serrulata.

Prunus lannesiana Leaf (18/04/2015, The Prince Park, Tokyo, Japan)

The etymological root of the binomial name Prunus is from the classical name of the Plum tree. Lannesiana is named after Lannes de Montebello.

The landscape architect may find Prunus lannesiana useful as an attractive spring flowering small tree.

Prunus lannesiana Leaf Bark (18/04/2015, The Prince Park, Tokyo, Japan)

Ecologically,  Prunus lannesiana flowers are attractive to pollinating insects. Its fruit are attractive to birds and mammals.

Prunus lannesiana prefers moist, fertile, deep, well-drained soils. It tolerates most pH of soil. This tree dislikes dry soils.

Prunus lannesiana requires little maintenance. Pruning should be carried out after flowering, from April to July to minimise the risk of Silver leaf infection.

Landscape Architecture