Protein Delight Milkshake for Moms

By Hemapriya Natesan @MyLittleMoppet

Many people consider stretch marks to be 'pregnancy stripes', something similar to what you'd get after emerging victorious from battle - and they're not wrong! A woman goes through extreme stress during childbirth - physically and emotionally. Right after that, she has to start caring for a newborn and her body is at work again, producing milk for the infant. So it's an understatement to say that a woman in such a stage needs all the strength and support she can get!

And there's one thing that's crucial in providing this strength - protein! Unfortunately, many Indian women's diets are severely lacking in protein, especially if they're vegetarian. And that's why we have got exactly the solution for you - a 100% natural Protein Delight Powder. This powder contains oats and an assortment of seeds to provide your body with some healthy protein. Here's a look at the ingredients of our Protein Delight Powder:

  • Oats - A well known lactation-boosting food which also promotes relaxation
  • Sunflower seeds - Extremely rich in Vitamins E & B1 along with trace minerals like copper, manganese, selenium, phosphorous; calms the nerves, muscles and blood vessels after childbirth
  • Pumpkin seeds - Very high in zinc and antioxidants
  • Chia seeds - High protein by weight ratio, and full of antioxidants

So if you'd like some extra protein in your diet, be sure to try out our protein powder - in the form of a delicious Protein Delight Milkshake!



1. Heat a little milk till it reaches a boil. Keep the rest of the milk in the fridge.

2. Add the Protein Delight powder to a cup. Pour the boiling milk over it and mix well till smooth.

3. When the milk mixture is cool enough blend it with the remaining cold milk and pour into a tall glass. Garnish with flax seeds.

Alternatively, you can also have this as a hot drink. Instead of a little, boil all the milk in step one and skip step 3. You have a nice, hot drink for the monsoons!

And before you think this is only for women in their post partum period or for nursing Moms, remember that all women need protein! Whatever stage of life you're in, you need protein to keep your muscles strong. Besides, if you're working out, the protein will help to burn fat while building muscles, while keeping you lean and toned. Now who doesn't want that!!!

Protein Delight Milkshake