As much as I talk up road trips, they definitely aren't perfect. There are always bound to be some set backs, whenever, wherever, and however you travel. So today I wanted to talk to you about my top five pros and cons to road tripping.
But first, lets talk about an amazing product for keeping your car spic and span, even while driving hundreds of miles. I've always been horrible at taking my car to the carwash... It just always seems out of my way. And you can forget about me using the bucket and hose at home. That chore always feels like it takes hours... Probably because once I start I can't stop until it's spotless - inside and out. So when I discovered the new Armor All Wipes, which are exclusively available at Walmart, I knew my car washing days were about to change!
With this simple 1, 2, 3 step system, I can wash my car anywhere at anytime. The new Ultra Shine Wash, Ultra Shine Wax Wipes, and Ultra Shine Tire & Trim Sponges are pre-moistened and treated so you literally need nothing else to wash your car! No bucket, no hose, no buffing. These Armor All Wipes make it so quick and simple to wash your car. Now, I can keep my new car looking its best with no stress about scheduling a day with the bucket and hose in the hot sun.
Now, lets get to those pros and cons...
1 - Pro
Road trips are my favorite because I have the power to stop whenever and wherever I want. When you fly, you get from point-a to point-b with no in between. But on the road, you can see and do so much more. The journey becomes one of the best parts of the trip!
2 - Con
A car's miles are precious, and a road trip is a good way to pack on those miles. It adds wear to your car which decreases the value and life of your vehicle. But, I always tell myself that it's better to have a car that's seen the world rather than a car that's just driven around town its whole life.
3 - Pro
Road trips give you the freedom to travel with your own style and in serious comfort. Want to listen to your favorite tunes? No need for headphones, this is your car and you can listen to whatever you want! Want to bring more than one 50 lb bag and a carry on? Do it. You've got some extra space! Want to stretch out, lay back, and feel the air against your face? Let someone else do the driving, lean your chair waaaay back, and roll that window down!
4 - Con
While road trips are a lot more fun, in my opinion, they also take a lot longer than flying and come with a lot more responsibility. When flying, there isn't too much to worry about. You show up, find your seat, and away you go. But when you drive, it's easy to find yourself lost, confused, or changing a tire along the side of the road.
5 - Pro
My favorite part about road trips is all of the unexpected adventures that are bound to happen. From stumbling upon the world largest ball of yarn to visiting a ghost town, you never know what you might find along your way!
Now that the weather is looking up, it's time to start planning your own road trip! Be sure to grab some Armor All Wipes (found in the automotive section at Walmart) so your car can keep on shining, mile after mile. Take advantage of the $2.00 off any one (1) of the Armor All Ultra Shine Wipes from Walmart, while supplies last!
This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Armor All, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #LessTimeMoreShine