Proposed Laws: Making Elections Cheaper and Cleaner

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
Election laws in Israel are a joke. All the parties break the various election campaigning laws with impunity and then just pay the fines, if they get fined.
So I am not sure what the point of adding more elections laws that nobody will keep and that can hardly be enforced is.
With the passage of the law dissolving the Knesset pending, Minister of Defense [and Alternate PM] Benny Gantz is working on preparing a couple of law proposals that would supposedly affect election campaigns, but more likely will just be ignored like so many other election laws. If these even pass.
One proposal being raised by Kachol Lavan under the direction of Gantz is to limit the spending on electoral campaigns. The idea being that in this time of crisis with so many hurting financially, it would be inappropriate to allow so much spending as usual with the government funding the campaigns so heavily. The proposed law being prepared would severely limit the campaign funding and keep the spending much lower than usual.
The second law proposal being prepared would attempt to limit the use of "fake news" in campaigns, in light of the focus on modern digital campaigning via social media and other online media. The proposed law would give the Director of the Electoral Board the authority to order cease and desist orders against anyone breaking the digital campaigning rules. sources: Ynet, Hamechadesh
You gotta do what you gotta do to try to make it better, but the way elections and campaigns work here, I don't see this making much of a difference. 
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