Proposed Law: Jewish/Hebrew Expiry Dates

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
MK Michael Malkieli (Shas) has proposed a law that would obligate producers of food items to write the expiry date not just using the regular calendar dates but also with the dates from the Jewish/Hebrew calendar.
While similar laws have been rejected in the past, largely because of the additional expense and burden it adds to the importers and manufacturers, Malkieli thinks he has enough support to get it through this time..
Malkieli justifies his proposal by saying that there are many citizens that just are not familiar with the Gregorian calendar. These people have no way of knowing, when looking at the cottage cheese (for example) on the shelf whether it is near or past the expiry date, and it could become a health risk for them.
source: Walla News
Looks to me like over-legislation...
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