Proposed Law: Candidate Must Have Academic Degree to Be Elected Prime Minister

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
This is interesting. I saw the headline and expected this to be a proposal made most likely by someone like Yair Lapid, to prevent a Haredi MK from eventually becoming Prime Minister, if as unlikely as it seems right now (they can hardly even manage to be ministers, let alone prime minister!).
But my assumption was wrong. "adderaba", as we would say back in yeshiva.
MK Yaakov Litzman (UTH) is proposing a law that would disqualify any candidate for Prime Minister if the candidate does not have an academic degree or has not served in the IDF.
The purpose, it seems, is to prevent Yair Lapid from possibly becoming Prime minister of Israel. Lapid never finished his academic degree - he had to drop out of his studies for a doctorate when it became known that he did not even have a BA.
Litzman explains the proposal saying that the position of Prime Minister of Israel is complex and requires broad knowledge, among other things.
source: Walla News
The article says it is unlikely to pass, as it is not constitutional (in a country with no constitution).
This is funny, and I love Litzman's spunk. If it would pass, I could see it eventually backfiring and preventing a Haredi or DL politician from becoming Prime Minister as muchas , or even more likely than, it would prevent Lapid.
It is also funny/ironic considering Litzman and Gafni are often found to be fighting such requirements form so many other government positions in order to benefit the Haredi community that largely has not served and does not hold academic degrees, yet here Litzman is working to put such a limitation into place.
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