Proposals at Christmas Time… 68 Ideas I Stole from the Internet!

By Claire

So — if you’re plan­ning to pro­pose or hop­ing for a pro­posal of mar­riage this Christ­mas I hope these 68 ideas from around the web make you smile!

Christ­mas mar­riage pro­posal ideas — Hay, Santa! 1 — 5

These made me chuckle — five cre­ative Christ­mas pro­posal ideas from Yahoo. In a nut­shell, there’s a very com­pli­cated and strange pro­posal involv­ing lit­tle boxes in big boxes with notes about ring­ing bells. Then you could invite Santa to have your other half sit on his knee and pro­pose to her while she’s perched on “Santa’s” knee (nb you’re on one knee; I’ve no idea who’d be wear­ing the Santa suit).

The third idea in this arti­cle involves you arrang­ing bales of hay and red bal­loons into let­ters to read “Marry Me” when seen from a hot air bal­loon. Seems a lit­tle hard work… but more real­is­ti­cally the arti­cle also sug­gests a photo slide show or jig­saw puz­zle (which is quite sweet!) so there’s some­thing here for every­one.

Roman­tic Christ­mas pro­pos­als: 6 — 8

A hon­ey­moon spe­cial­ist is bound to sug­gest exotic pro­posal loca­tions I sup­pose, and these three sug­ges­tions for Christ­mas pro­pos­als include fly­ing to Scan­di­navia, New York and (strangely) Sri Lanka to pop the ques­tion. The ideas are sweet though — mistle­toe and baubles with an engage­ment ring attached or hid­den inside! Per­haps the tra­di­tions would work with­out the expen­sive flights!

Click to see Mark and Jag’s beau­ti­ful inti­mate wed­ding in Der­byshire, with pho­tos by Lucy West Images

The top 10 most cre­ative Christ­mas pro­posal ideas: 9 — 18

Work­ing from the premise that everyone’s already feel­ing happy, and every­where is dec­o­rated nicely, these pro­posal ideas are con­sid­er­ably less expen­sive! The first sug­ges­tion of mak­ing a Christ­mas orna­ment to put the ring inside has me think­ing of toi­let roll pen hold­ers we made at school (and cov­ered in glit­ter) but per­haps a lit­tle gift box would do the trick just as nicely?

I love the idea of hav­ing a Christ­mas tree with only one dec­o­ra­tion: an engage­ment ring. That’s ever so roman­tic

Other sug­ges­tions are more on the funny side: “wrap your­self up like a Christ­mas gift”, “write your pro­posal in Christ­mas lights” (on the roof!) and “dress up like Santa Claus” are prob­a­bly best avoided. Still worth a read though!

50 more pro­posal ideas from The Knot: 19 — 68

If you’re still strug­gling for a pro­posal idea, you could either just pop the ques­tion over a roman­tic can­dlelit meal (I like the idea of sim­ple, time­less and tra­di­tional romance!) or read this list of 50 pro­posal ideas from The Knot.

There’s every­thing from lit­tle love notes to stage pro­duc­tions, pro­pos­als on planes and clev­erly planned games of hang­man here. But my favourite?

“Spell your pro­posal out in glow-in-the-dark star stick­ers on your ceil­ing. Get into bed, turn the lights off and wait for the inevitable gasp.”

How cool is that?! And per­fect for a cosy Christ­mas night, with lights down low and evenings spent cud­dling up together on the sofa…