Proposal for a Supportable Feminism and MRA

Posted on the 15 September 2015 by Calvinthedog

I think we should support any non-misandric feminism. That is, any feminism that is just about obtaining rights for women and not about hating men or persecuting men should be supported. And I am sure that there are females out there who feel this way. The much-discussed Liberal Feminism is along these lines, but I do not like the conservative to Libertarian overtones of Liberal Feminism.

I think we should support any non-misogynistic MRA movement. Of course the existing MRA’s are for the most part wildly misogynistic, but I do not see why it has to be that way. An MRA movement should be about obtaining rights for men, not hating women. Anyway, it is the feminists who are persecuting us, not women in general.

Remember there are two kinds of women:

Gender feminists

Real women

We have nothing whatsoever against Liberal Feminists and real women. It’s the gender feminists that we have a beef with, which honestly is most of them. All major feminist organizations are Gender Feminist-based and most prominent feminists are Gender Feminists.