We know politicians lie.
Hillary Clinton, howeer, takes bold-faced, looking-you-straight-in-the-eye lying to a whole new level.
Watch this video: It’ll take your breath away.
Being a pathological liar is one of the defining attributes on criminal psychologist Dr. Robert D. Hare‘s psychopathy checklist-revised (PCL-R), a 20-item inventory of personality traits and recorded behaviors of psychopaths.
See also:
- Hillary Clinton was fired for lying when she was 27 years old
- Feminist Hillary Clinton laughed, recalling her defense of man who raped 12-year-old girl
- Shocker, not: Hillary Clinton tells another lie to pander for votes
- State Dept phone transcripts show Hillary knew at the time that Benghazi was a terrorist attack
- Voters don’t care Hillary Clinton is dishonest and immoral
- Hillary Clinton is a monster, says Secret Service agents