Proof That Cats Have Fashion Girl Problems

By Robinavidor @robinavidor

Proof That Cats Have Fashion Girl Problems!

Here is a fresh take that compares the fashion girl's problems to a cat's daily struggle! They may seem funny now but you will find that you will be able to relate to some of them!

See what Kareen Mallet had to say below! @Zindigo

That moment when you fall in love with a new dress and then you see it's price tag. When you sit front row and you don't know which way to look. That feeling you get when you wear your new Tracy Watts hat. When you see someone wearing the same outfit. You've got to be kitten me! When you try to emulate your favorite EIC. When no one compliments your new outfit. When you try to fit into your skinny jeans. When you spot street-style photographers. After a day of walking in your new heels.

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