Promo Daily: Nicole Mlakar

By Dwell @dwell
Today's Photographer Promotional Piece We Love and Why: Nicole Mlakar Slideshow

Front cover to Nicole Mlakar's promo package.

Photography promotionals like this one are kind of a shoe-in for promo star power. Austin, Texas photographer Nicole Mlakar not only has a crazy beautiful last name, but has incredibly good taste in crafts and fun marketing skills. Opening this promo felt like I was sitting on a stoop in the middle of a corn field and the Pony Express threw me a package. Photo on front, flip it over to a "Hello," then unravel the string-tied clasp to six individual promo cards and a "Nice to meet you." What I enjoy about this promo is how the technique of the packaging compliments the actual look and feel of her photography. Her artwork is so natural and real and dark shadowy lighting and free spirity goodness. I also really like her work because it looks so much like film, yet who knows now-a-days, but I'm super into the filmy look, naturally.