Promo Daily: James Ransom

By Dwell @dwell
Today's Photographer Promotional Piece We Love and Why: James Ransom Slideshow

James Ransom's photography promotional post card sent from his hometown of New York, New York.

Yes, this is an amazing interior shot of someone's funky living room. However, let's just talk about James Ransom's logo. I have no idea how long he's been using this crazy-nuts logo, but I can't get it out of my head. It's dangerous, for obvious reasons.  Danger is good sometimes, because it lingers in your head. It's very hard to pass your eyes by something little like this. I want to know why there's a sketchy Bodyguard-style Whitney Houston ransom note font of the word "ransom" on this guy's promo. Flip the promo over and "'s his last name." Clever. I'm also a big fan of the dark, spooky, beautiful lighting of his interior selects to send out on both of his USPS mailer and his email promo—matches perfectly to his logo. On that note, the postcard promo's trip through the postal service—all the way from New York City—added a little taste of danger by tagging what looks like burn marks on the borders. Also very, very clever.