Prom Season with Boohoo

By Sammycx @sammycx

Dress-Boohoo*The warm weather has finally braced us with its presence and summer is almost upon us and of course that also means it’s prom season! Prom dresses are a lot easier to find now than when I was looking for a prom dress back In 2005 and they’re a lot more affordable too! Boohoo have a huge range of prom dresses with so many styles to choose from for the fashion conscious. The dress I'm wearing above is a stunning nude strappy dress which is just perfect in every way, this dress is not only perfect for a prom, but also this would be perfect for a wedding guest.I would absolutely love to go back and do my prom again, I had the most amazing time however if I could go back and do it again I would of made myself up more, I feel like I didn't make much of an effort. I was totally different when I was 16, I didn't wear make up and I was more of a rock chick! If Boohoo was around in 2005 I definitely would of bought my dress from them!Here's a little throwback of me at my prom back in 2005! *cringe!*