Prom Dresses

By Evette Garside @evette77

What started as a well known American school tradition has now crosses the Atlantic and also taken over the basic school disco in many UK schools and colleges. I am of course talking about Prom.

When I was at school. It was an end of year school disco. Even at the end of 5th year in high school, it wasn't called Prom, but just a leavers disco. Although we dressed up in our best attire, it was still nothing compared to American prom or even proms today in the UK.

Prom has become something of a huge deal and not just for high schools either. Back in July this year, my daughter left primary school and they too have a prom. The prom was held in the school hall but a Dj was hired, as was a photo booth and props, a huge cake was made, a professional photographer came in and there was even a red carpet and mocktails. This was very much similar to the American version. Some parents even booked limos to take their kids to the prom.

The boys wore suits, the girls wore fancy prom/party dresses. They all looked amazing.

Jordanna wanted a new dress, shoes, hair and nails done, yes beauty is a big thing at a prom even for the 11 year olds. She chose a beautiful pink dress herself with a lovely lace skirt and sparkly shoes. She looked beautiful.

Of course it's not just 11 year olds who go to proms or other formal events. Older girls, teenagers and even us older ladies all have formal events at some point that we need a gorgeous dress for.

We all come in different shapes and sizes so its important to choose the right style prom dresses for your body type. I'm classed as an hour glass body figure which means according to the prom dress finder website, I suit wrap dresses, fitted gowns and 1950s style frocks as well as a few others. I've never been to a prom unfortunately but have been to many weddings and christenings where I needed a formal prom style dress, like this one.

Pink is probably my favourite colour and I'd not long had a baby when this was taken so this dress seemed to hide what I needed it to pretty well. I got lots of comments on how lovely it looked too.

Many shops sell prom dresses and it's a good idea to shop around and find a few you like rather than just deciding on the first one you see. It's important not to follow trends or just to go with a dress because your friends have a similar one. What looks good on one person, may look awful on another.

Underwear plays a big part in dress finding too. This is probably best purchased on the same day as the dress and even where possible in the same store so you can see the whole look together. Think about what type of bra is needed be it a strapless or adjustable straps. Think carefully about the underwear colour. Dark underwear with a light colour dress is never a good idea.

Work out the budget before shopping. This way you know how much you have and which stores to go to. There will only be disappointment going to a very upmarket store and seeing the perfect dress with a limited budget.

Once the dress is chosen and the big wedding day has arrived, everyone there will be looking rather glam. Lots of photos will be taken and seen by many. After all everyone loves a bit of wedding photo sharing don't they? And getting to look at all those pretty prom style dresses.