Prom - 25 July 2014 - Class Of 2014

By Mollylouise

Prom was amazing! Such a fantastic experience and what an end to such a fab end of Year 11 despite the ups and the downs from the beginning of the year. Everyone looked right royalty and we were late to prom. Arrived in a party ambulance which was hilarious and so unexpected. It was quite embarrassing as when we arrived at the hotel the sirens were turned on so I proper cringed. Everyone danced as if they were at a rave towards the end of the night. Many people said I was going to cry because I was leaving school and I'd miss everyone after being adamant that I couldn't wait to leave and wouldn't miss the place at all and I DIDN'T CRY SO THEY WERE WRONG!!! Sorry I didn't mean to yell. It was just a point prover. If you have the opportunity to go to prom. Don't not go because you don't have a prom date or don't like wearing dresses or you just hate everyone because they might smell like poo ;). It's the last bonding opportunity with the people you've been surrounded by for the last 5 or so years.
Dress: Quiz (Debenhams)Earrings: Nanny's Tiara: Ebay Heels: NextClutch: Next