
By Shoesfashfit @lolashoelove
Hey guys. I hadn't planned this post out or anything but I wanted to let you know about something going on for the next 24 hours on youtube. It's called Project For Awesome. The very basic explanation is that during this time people post videos on youtube promoting their favorite charities and money is raised through donations and commenting.
If you have a spare hour or two today I urge you to go to the website and click on the videos here then click through to youtube and comment on the video. It doesn't have to be anything special, I am just posting a simple 'My comment = 1 penny! Woohoo!' Literally that's what I am saying.
At the time I am writing this they have raised $173k for charity, and it's only been a couple of hours. The P4A started in 2007 and they have raised so much money for charities. It's amazing what the internet can come together and accomplish in just 24 hours.
You can click here to read the FAQs.
Here is a few that I have watched so far if you want to click through quickly and like and comment that would be amazing!! *These are not MY videos*

If you can pass on the info to a few friends too, or tweet and share some videos with your friends that would be awesome!