Project Life: January & February 2015

By Winyeemichelle

An update on my 2015 Project Life scrapbook.  Oh hi and welcome to my Project Life scrapbook. Along with plenty of bloggers, this year I’ve finally decided to take up the Project Life thing. I actually read about this on A Beautiful Mess in early 2013 but it was Lily Pebbles that really pushed me to get going on this. A minimal, simple method of documenting your life in scraps.
I used to scrapbook “traditionally” a lot when I was younger. I wish I could have a peek in mine but it’s residing at home in England so we’ll save that for another time. This newfangled version is exciting and I’m shamelessly obsessed with it. Plus it doesn’t hurt that I live in the home of kawaii stationery. I’m currently working on completing February’s section as well as backtracking my 2014.

I haven’t yet decided if I’m going to make a front page for my scrapbook. Part of me likes this first page but we’ll see later in the year! I chose this striped card with a ribbon print to mark out ‘2015’ – standard. As I’m lacking in a printer, I’m probably going to stamp or handwrite the captions throughout. As you can see, I’ve gone for a mix of core kit cards, washi tape accents and Instax photos as well as actual photos right from the off. I like this eclectic style and I think it’s fairly representative of me!

Of course to kickstart the scrapbook, I had to include some snaps of the HK skyline, where I saw in midnight. Wish I had some sort of momentos from the night but there we go! Added an Instax of my friend Sharon and I, plus my resolutions for the year.

This page is dedicated to the heightened snaps that I took on my phone when Sophia and I ventured around Sheung Wan. I added a handwritten note about the day to break it up and fluttered in some washi tape accents for good measure.

I then finally passed probation and was literally asked to take a selfie to send to HR and decided to print one for my scrapbook. Bizarre. I guess January ended up being an admin and detox month in the end because there’s plenty of home snaps and moments included! Oh and a pretty postcard from the wonderful Erin.
Aisling came to stay with me for a week! We shopped, ate, gossiped, gamed and drank! Hoping to add some snaps to the blank gaps once my prints arrive. It’s odd how people you meet from blogging can become real-life best mates of yours.

Met a guy at the end of January who would end up completely overwhelming my February. We went on a first date to a rooftop bar in Central and I might even go as far as to say it was the best first date I’ve been on. Sadly it all went a bit strange on Friday 13th and then we spent Valentine’s Day being separately sad and now we’re just friends. Le sigh. I also went to see 2PM on Vday so not all was lost! Included the obligatory ticket stub and some distant snaps of my six Valentines.
It was also Chinese New Year! Plenty of red, pink and gold everywhere so I added some empty lai see packets and photos of all the decorations around Hong Kong. February boy and I spent CNY together and we shared a cherry soda that was a mission in itself. I’ve left a little empty slot here because at the end of the month I got to see my lovely friend Kim who visited Hong Kong following her Aus jaunt! I forgot to take a photo so I’m patiently waiting for her to send me hers.

And here is a completed page from the 2014 division of my scrapbook. This is one of many dedicated to my family and it makes me happy seeing some of my favorite moments all slotted away! Hoping to get my hands on some stickers and foam pads to add more decoration to this page soon.
Are you scrapbooking this year too? Please leave me links to any posts about them if so, I'd love to read them (: