Project Decor

By Therelishedroost
Well, as if it's not bad enough to have been a bit obsessed with Pinterest, now I am on Project Decor!
It is a great site, you create boards, and upload items and room projects that you love. You also have the option of purchasing items from the site and the boards that have been created to showcase furniture, lighting, rugs etc. So, if you see a room that you love you can have it just by purchasing the items on that board. So many top designer already have joined such as Alexa Hampton, Stephanie Odegard and the list goes on. If you want another site that will have you up creating until midnight, check out Project Decor! Here a few boards I have had fun creating so far, and the pieces are provided for you an the site but you can add anything you want from you own downloads! Happy Hump Day!