Project Ara: Make Your Own Smartphone

Posted on the 23 May 2014 by Anna Peterson

You are all probably familiar with Lego bricks and those of you who were fans and loved them will find Google’s (formerly Motorola’s) Project Ara really interesting.

Build your smartphone from a scratch!

The Project Ara works this way: a smartphone consists of interchangeable modules, which are basically like Lego bricks, which can then be assembled and disassembled over and over again, depending on your wishes and needs. With such a smartphone, there’s no doubt that upgrading storage space, RAM, processor, camera and display, as well as repairing individual components would be a breeze. You buy what you need, put it in and off you go.

In January 2014, it was announced that Motorola had given Google the Project Ara. A larger company – with the same idea and the same goal – meant better opportunities for the realization of the Project Ara. At the beginning of this year, it was decided that the Project Ara should receive more attention and that it should be seen whether the whole idea is, indeed, feasible. Unfortunately, it remained nothing but a sweet dream. However, Google doesn’t like the word NO, which is why three conferences were announced for 2014, where there would be talk about the modular smartphone.

On April 15, 2014, the first of the announced conferences took place.

Simply replace all the damaged modules with new ones.

The base of the smartphone is actually an aluminum frame (which will be available in various sizes – from mini to phablet), which provides many slots for various modules. In the front are slots for a display and a keypad (who doesn’t want a keypad can work with a larger screen) and on the sides you can put a Wi-Fi module, a battery, etc. The basic version is supposed to cost only $50, which, when you think about it, is an incredible offer. It looks like Google and other companies that support the Project Ara will make quite a profit from it.

The first Module Developer Kit (MDK) was released on April 15 and at the developer conference it was announced that the first modular smartphone will arrive in early 2015. Picture this – you’ll never have to buy a completely new phone again in case you damage it – simply replace a damaged module with a new one.