Project 300: Getting Creative in 2013

By Nfldratheart @nfldratheart
I am so in! I have been interested in completing a 365 project, or perhaps a 52 project, but always feel a little overwhelmed by the commitment required. Well this 300 project seems like it might be fitting for me. Although, because I caught on a little late I am going to make today day 1 and then I still have 65 days I can skip if need be, or if I get ambitious I might still try to get in 300 days before December 31st, 2013.
So what will I do you ask? Well I love to create, and since Pip was born alot of my creating has been pushed to the back burner, usually because I'm too tired. But then, I find when I make the time for a little creativity I feel better, more energized, and excited to do more. So I'm not going to choose one thing like sewing, or knitting, instead I am just going to try to do something creative every day (almost). I am also not going to promise to finish a creative project each day, but at least work on one (if you have ever tried rug-hooking you would totally understand).
What about you? Do you think the 300 project would be something you might be interested in? Click on the image above if you want to see the original post on Oh My Handmade, and decide for yourself. There are so many days things you could do, and with 65 'free' days, the commitment is a little less intense :)
Here goes 300 in 365, getting creative in 2013!