Shut up he barked
Sit down he wined
Raise your voice he howled
Raise your cup to me he giggled
Make pure and tender love to me he snapped
Pick me up in your arms and tell me how to change he snaked
Shut up he whispered, into my ear on this cold, cold night
Pull out the chairs when they sit down he commanded
Read my mind he yearned
When my mother comes cover your bruises and show me that smile he snickered
When my father comes cover your chest and cross your legs he murmured
Know me like no one has ever known me, care for me like no one has before we wished
to each other
Shut up, he pounded into me, his sweaty hands slurping my neck, pushing me further
away, and then close again
Fold the toilet paper into those neat triangles, he winced
Rub my foot, its soar to the core, he echoed
Hold me
Love me
Write this down he chimed
Answer me quicker he sang
Tell me you love me he wanted
Kill me kill me kill me he… he no longer had the breath
Shut up, I answered.