"Stuff" is still happening out in the garden even as we experience wind chills in the teens and a bit of snow:
Buds on the Viburnum carlesii 'Aurora' continue to march towards actual blooms:
The buds are in full effect on the Amelanchier grandiflora (Serviceberry) 'Autumn Brilliance':
An initial bloom can be seen on the Leucojum aestivum (Summer Snowflake) 'Gravetye Giant':
The to-be monstrous bloom on the Allium 'Globemaster' has made its initial appearance:
The foliage on the Viburnum plicatum 'Shoshoni' has emerged:
We have the first signs of the Astilbes:
And the cool season ornamental grasses have arrived:
You have to love this time of year.