Professional Writing with Style and Impact

Posted on the 07 February 2014 by Charlescrawford @charlescrawford

Some of you may be wondering how to improve your written work. It's either too long or too dense or not persuasive or just somehow too clunky and unengaging.

Help is at hand. You can sign up with my new Guardian Masterclass for @guardianclasses: Professional Writing with Impact

Course description

Concentrating on the psychology and technique of powerful professional writing, this highly practical one-day course gives you the opportunity to develop and test new writing skills. Topics covered include:

    • How to make your writing a conversation with the reader
    • Layout and structure – what draws a reader in, what turns a reader off
    • Tone - how to tune your writing to your readers
    • Skilful use of grammar and punctuation
    • Clarity - keeping facts, analysis and recommendations separate
    • Making work readable - rooting out clichés, jargon and weak vocabulary
    • Less is more – the art of tough-love editing

This course is for you if…

You want to improve your skills in any form of internal or external business and professional writing, including press releases, reports and presentations. The course features professional writing in English, but the techniques and insights for effective written work apply to many other languages

NB there will be some exercises to accomplish and a stern teacher scrutinising your prep.

But it will be worth it.

Dare you miss this special learning experience?

No, thought not.