Professional Crisis Actors Simulate Mass Casualty Events

Posted on the 01 January 2013 by Eowyn @DrEowyn

More than two weeks after the Sandy Hook school massacre, skepticism about the official version of what happened — that the killings were the work of a lone gunman, 20-year-old Adam Lanza — persists.

Unrefuted, eye witness reports of suspects being handcuffed by police and police audio of men wearing ski masks and a nun’s habit continue to fuel speculation that Sandy Hook was a “false flag” operation by the Obama regime for the purpose of gun control. Sen. Diane Feinstein’s (D-CA) proposed legislation to ban “assault weapons” including handguns, only adds credibility to the skeptics. Likewise, the spooky coincidences of Sandy Hook and the Aurora, CO massacres.

It is in the context of that skepticism that the odd behavior of Robbie Parker draws attention and raises questions. The father of 6-year-old Sandy Hook victim Emilie, Parker managed to make a split-second transition from laughing and joking to putting on a grim somber face, barely able to speak without breaking down in tears. His peculiar behavior has led radical skeptics to wonder if he, like other parents of Sandy Hook child victims, may actually be hired actors.

Ever heard of the Crisis Actors?

Located in Denver, Colorado, Crisis Actors describe themselves as “Trained Players and Actors Making it Real” by “Helping schools and first responders create realistic drills, full-scale exercises, high-fidelity simulations, and interactive 3D films.”

Here’s the Feature Story on the Crisis Actors website:

Active Shooter Crisis Actors Target Mall Shootings via Visionbox

DENVER, CO, October 31, 2012 — A new group of actors is now available nationwide for active shooter drills and mall shooting full-scale exercises, announced Visionbox, Denver’s leading professional actors studio.

Visionbox Crisis Actors are trained in criminal and victim behavior, and bring intense realism to simulated mass casualty incidents in public places.

The actors’ stage acting experience, ranging from Shakespeare to contemporary American theater, enables them to “stay in character” throughout an exercise, and improvise scenes of extreme stress while strictly following official exercise scenarios.

The actors regularly rehearse scenarios involving the Incident Command System and crisis communications, and appear in interactive training films produced in both 2D and stereoscopic 3D.

Producers Jennifer McCray Rincon and John Simmons formed the group to demonstrate emerging security technologies, help first responders visualize life-saving procedures, and assist trainers in delivering superior hands-on crisis response training.

For example, with a large shopping center, the producers review all security camera views and design dramatic scenes specifically for existing camera angles, robotic camera sweeps, and manually-controlled camera moves.

The producers then work with the trainers to create a “prompt book” for the actors so that key scenario developments can be triggered throughout the mall shooting simulation, and caught on tape.

The actors can play the part of the shooters, mall employees, shoppers in the mall, shoppers who continue to arrive at the mall, media reporters and others rushing to the mall, and persons in motor vehicles around the mall.

Visionbox Crisis Actors can also play the role of citizens calling 911 or mall management, or posting comments on social media websites.

During the exercise, the producers use two-way radio to co-direct the Crisis Actors team from the mall dispatch center and at actors’ locations.

Within this framework, the exercise can test the mall’s monitoring and communications systems, the mall’s safety plan including lockdown and evacuation procedures, the ability of first responders and the mall to coordinate an effective response, and their joint ability to respond to the media and information posted on the Internet.

Security camera footage is edited for after-action reports and future training.

For more information visit and

Visionbox is a project of the Colorado Nonprofit Development Center. Crisis Actors is a project of the Colorado Safety Task Force established by Colorado State Senator Steve King.

Nathan Bock
Amanda Brown
(720) 810-1641

In our age of Photoshop and Internet hoaxes, how do we tell the difference between professional crisis actors and the parents of real-life victims?

H/t my friend Mark S. McGrew
