Product Review: Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette

Posted on the 19 May 2014 by Krickeyb

Three years ago, I would have never blogged about make-up. Why? I rarely wore make-up. It wasn’t until recently that I found a passion for it after watching several YouTubers and their tutorials. For Christmas, I asked Santa for the Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette. I woke up and saw a small, perfectly wrapped package under the tree. Can you guess what he brought me? Oh yes… the UD Naked 2 Palette! I was a happy girl! Immediately I ran to my laptop to begin watching tutorials for this palette. It has been about 6 months of using this palette and that means it is time to write my review.

I would have written a review sooner, but I needed to learn how to properly wear make-up (particularly eye make-up) and learn the make-up lingo, in order to accurately write this. 5-6 months later I am obsessed with beauty products. This is my first beauty product review, so please cut me some slack. If you have any questions that I do not answer in this post, please post them below!

I will begin this review by explaining why I chose the Naked 2 palette over Naked and Naked 3. the first palette was “old news” and the third palette had a lot more pink tones than I desired. Not to mention, my favorite color in Naked 2 is Half-Baked (Swatches are below). So, Naked 2 arrived and I began my eye shadow journey. (Note: The photos of my palette are after 5 months use. This means my palette will not look as sexy as a fresh palette will look, lol.)

The Naked 2 Palette (Case)

A glimpse of the 12 shades and brush

Brush that comes with the palette

The 12 shades (in order from left to right) are Foxy, Half Baked, Bootycall, Chopper, Tease, Snakebite, Suspect, Pistol, Verve, YDK, Busted, and Blackout. I love the brushes. I use the brush on the right to apply the shadow and the brush on the left to blend.

This is a beige/yellowish (matte finish) that I use as a highlight under my brow. It is very light, so please excuse the poor swatch photo below. I tried my best!


Half Baked
My favorite shade in this palette! This is a shimmery, goldish brown, shade that pigments well. The photo I used also features Foxy at the bottom. I think you can see it better in this picture, lol. As for Half Baked, I use this shade every single day. No joke. Lol. I will give a tutorial on my everyday look soon!

Half Baked

A frosted-pink shade that I also use as a highlight. I use Foxy more often than Bootycall, but if I use darker pink shades on my lids, I will always use Bootycall as my highlight.


I actually have not used Chopper as often as I should. When doing these swatches, I fell back in love with this shade. It has a great shimmer and looks great with Bootycall. Chopper has an pink-orange tones with shimmer that look silver.


A mauve, matted shade that is great for a more natural, day-to-day look. If I am running errands around town or going to a job interview, I do not need a ton of make-up. I will use Tease in my crease with Verve (see below) or Half Baked (see above) on my lid. The picture below does not show the purple/mauve as well as I would have liked. I will do a tutorial with tease in the future so you can see it better!


Snakebite is another shade I do not use as often as I should. I tam noticing that I tend to be a creature of habit with make-up. I do not own many clothes with a color similar to Snakebite, as it is unique (in my opinion). I would compare this color to an old penny. Copper tones that are shiny (shimmery). I really love this shade. I need to work this into my make-up routine. Plus, the name is awesome. What do you think of it?


Suspect reminds me of a light-brown, metallic Tease. I heard it described as “champagne” colored on a YouTube video. That’s a great way to describe this shade. I like this shade a lot. Again, not a shade I use as often as others. That does not mean it isn’t a wonderful shade! I do love it.


Oh boy do I love this shade. It is so powerful! Think gunmetal (this may be why they called it pistol). It is grayish brown with a metallic finish. A fantastic shade with Verve (see below) and Blackout (see below).


Another favorite shade of mine from this palette. This color is a lighter, shimmery, gray with a brown tint. Verve can be used on the lid or even as a highlight. As I stated above, it looks great with Tease (for a simple day-to-day look) or with Pistol and Blackout for a smokey look.


This is a shade that I use to “blend” Busted (see below) and Half Baked (see above). I will be posting a swatch picture below for you to see! YDK is a metallic, light mauve/brown shade. I think it looks wonderful with Busted.


I used Busted most often. This is a brown/mauve with slight shimmer, but more matte than shimmer. I use this in my crease with Half Baked (see above). It can be powerful if not blended out. The photo looks a bit more copper than in person, regardless, it is fantastic.


Blackout is just as it sounds… black and dark! It has a matte finish and works well with Busted, Half Baked, Verve, and Pistol!


So overall, I LOVE this palette! I use it as often as I can. I have combined it with other palettes, too! I think that the palette can be used for an everyday look or a night on the town. Below is a picture of 1. Half Baked, YDK, Busted, and Blackout together. 2. Blackout, Pistol, and Verve together. 3. Bootycall, Verve, and Tease together (as discussed above).

Busted, Verve, Blackout, Half Baked, Tease, YDK, Bootycall Swatch

I will post more product reviews over time. I like to give the product a fair shot by using it more than just one time. In the case of beauty products (specifically eye shadows) I want to use every shade as much as possible! I hope you enjoyed this review. Let me know if you have suggestions, questions, or opinions you would like me to share!