Product Review: Pro-Line Oil Sheen Hair Spray

Posted on the 24 February 2021 by Nail

Using a gentle hair product is very important to keep your hair healthy and retain its shine. It will make your hair shiny and manageable. Spray work by removing dirt, debris and excess water from the hair shaft, which causes dryness and frizziness.

Shampoos also improve the color of your hair shaft as well as improving moisture retention in the hair shaft. Proper washing of the hair and scalp with a good quality hair spray helps in keeping the hair clean and healthy.

However, proper spraying is not enough as one also needs to ensure that the hair remains moisturized and protected from harsh elements such as chlorine and heat.

Proline Oil Sheen Hair Spray comes with an innovative formulation that contains nutrients like Vitamin B-6, magnesium and zinc, which are extremely useful in nourishing the hair shaft and strengthening the cuticle.

It also contains Aloe Vera extract, which is very beneficial in improving the texture of hair as well as in protecting the hair from frizziness.

The ideal formula of Proline Oil Sheen Hair Spray should contain the below ingredients in the correct proportion. A bonus would be the presence of herbal ingredients, which are anti-bacterial and hence help in cleaning the hair without causing any irritation to the scalp.

Proline Oil Sheen Spray – Ingredients

Proline Oil Sheen Hair Spray is a rich and nourishing shampoo that contains vitamins and minerals that work in favour of hair. It moisturizes your hair and keeps it hydrated.

  • It also works in favour of detangling and shinier hair.
  • It nourishes the hair shaft and cuticle.
  • It also contains vitamins A, B, C and E, which are extremely useful in nourishing the hair.
  • These vitamins also help in promoting the growth of new strands.
  • They will be giving strength to the existing strands to stand erect.
  • It also contains Aloe Vera extracts, which are beneficial in improving the texture of your hair.
  • It is an excellent shampoo for those who have kinky and dull hair.

Tea Tree Oil:

Tea tree oil is very beneficial in relieving dandruff and itching. It will help in improving the texture of the hair.

Aloe Vera Oil:

Another ingredient included in the shampoo is aloe vera oil. The aloe vera gel can protect the hair from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. It prevents premature greying of hair. It also promotes hair growth, which is beneficial in preventing baldness and promoting new hair growth.

It Doesn’t Contain any Synthetic Chemicals:

It is important to note that the Oil Sheen Hair Spray does not contain any synthetic chemicals. That’s why it is the best option for people suffering from scalp conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis. The spray works well on all hair types.

Since it moisturizes the hair and protects it from damage due to chemical exposure. While using hair spray formulated with Proline Oil, it is necessary to wash the hair twice daily as the skin on the scalp can become dry if the hair is over-watered.


It Does Not Have any Side Effects:

The advantage of using Proline Oil Sheen Spray is that it does not have any side effects and can be used for several months. Many other natural ingredients have side effects associated with them, but Proline Oil Sheen Hair Spray is free of such issues.

The Best Alternative to Conventional Hair Sprays:

A hair spray prepared with Pro-Line are said, to be the best alternative to conventional hair sprays since it is rich in omega fatty acids which are necessary for hair nourishment and growth.

Keeps Your Scalp Healthy:

Moreover, Proline oil is a very good and natural hair moisturizer that keeps the scalp healthy and moisturized by penetrating deep into the scalp to provide essential nutrients that are required by the scalp cells.

It Makes Your Hair Extremely Shiny:

An additional benefit of using shampoo prepared using Proline is that it leaves the hair extremely shiny, clean and smelling fresh. These attributes are attributed to the presence of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that nourishes the hair and improves its appearance.

To make the best use of the Proline Oil Sheen Hair Spray, mix one tablespoon of the shampoo with two tablespoons of the natural oil obtained from the Proline oil plant.

Another advantage of using Proline Oil Sheen Hair Spray is that it leaves your hair shiny and silky while nourishing it.

By using Pro-Line oil sheen hair spray, and other Pro-Line hair care products will ensure that your hair is kept nourished and protected from external exposures.

How to Use?

  • Apply the mixture to the hair after washing thoroughly and rinse the hair thoroughly with lukewarm water.
  • Use a wide-toothed comb to comb the hair and distribute the shampoo over the head in a circular motion.
  • The scalp should not feel tight after using this shampoo.
  • The hair should not be dried by the application of a towel, as the natural oil in it facilitates the easy absorption of the shampoo.
  • It will leave the hair thoroughly clean and conditioned.


There are many professional hair care products available that have Proline oil as an ingredient.

However, when using these products, it is essential to consult your physician, and they will guide you about the right product that suits your type of oily hair.

Using the Proline Oil Sheen Hair Spray regularly will ensure that your oily hair is properly nourished.