Product Review: Braun No Touch + Forehead Thermometer

By Slowdownandsavor

So, apparently I have Klout. How cool is that? According to, I’m a pretty cool kind of person with a heck of a lot of influence here on the World Wide Web. While that may sound neat and all, the coolest part is when they recognize my said influence with free products they send my way to enjoy and test out.

  Braun No touch + forehead thermometer

So here’s the disclaimer: I was given a free product or sample because I’m a Klout influencer. I am under no obligation to receive the sample or talk about this company. I get no additional benefits for talking about the product or company.

So without further ado, I present to you the Braun No touch + forehead thermometer. Basically, you can take a professional accurate temperature with a gentle touch of the forehead or NO TOUCH AT ALL!!! NO TOUCH!!! How cool is THAT?

Braun No touch + forehead thermometer  

I have to be honest, when I opened the box and saw there was a Bruan themometer inside, I wasn’t thrilled. Nearly exactly one year ago to date, I received a Braun Forehead thermometer from Influenster.


My thermometer from last year.

It was a great product, and it’s the only thermometer we’ve used in our house for the past year. It’s amazing, accurate and super easy to use, yadda yadda yadda. But really? Another one?


But then I tried it. I was wow-ed. I mean I was WOW wow WOWed! You really don’t have to touch the forehead AT ALL!

There’s a little light that shows where you’re aiming, and if you’re too far away from your target, it’ll let you know with “FWD” in the display.

About 2 seconds later, your temperature is displayed large, clear and accurately, with the same color-coded back light as the other thermometer. Green for good to go, Yellow for uh oh, and Red for cancel all of your plans and just stay home.

Apparently I have a low grade fever?

You know what else is pretty awesome? There’s a switch on the side to mute the sound. How convenient if you have a sleeping baby or child? You can take their temperature without risk of waking them up with both touch AND sound. This will for sure be useful once Baby Jack comes around.

LOL. Why so serious?

Basically, I love this product. It’s easy to use, accurate and trustworthy, and I totally would recommend this product to any of my friends and family.

You can find this product at a variety of online retailers, but I found the best deal on Amazon, for $51.46 with free shipping.