Process Behind: “Stop, Go” Light Grey Art Lab Piece

By Jardley @jardster

In Light Grey Art Lab‘s own words: The theme of the postcards is about YOU. Something personal and something LOCAL – something that reflects an idea that is important to you, an image of your environment or your culture. It could be what’s in your closet, or a glimpse into your favorite place to relax. Think of your surroundings and the environments, people and places that make your world special.

I didn’t want the process of making this piece to be lengthy. I hadn’t given myself much time and I could sense that I was about to attempt some really intense pieces that involved too much work based on the ideas that I kept coming up with to reflect my world, my life. Since 2010, my life has mainly become centered around being happy, it’s the focal point, the underlying drive underneath nearly everything I do. I was unhappy for so long before that year, and even after that year there are some years that I remember in unhappiness. Nearly everyday has been an exercise in learning to live outside of fear, self-loathing, outside of anxiety and assumptions. I’ve been to so many places, walked to many areas in NYC, said so many things, done so much to define my life. I’ve hesitated, been scared, overinflated a situation, felt exhilarated, avoided, been overly confident, hibernated from everyone, felt numb, and pushed through in spite of nagging fear. These are the reasons behind this piece and its title “Stop, Go”. I’ve seen too many traffic lights, walked so much in this life for my life. What I hold in my hand, the choice to always choose go.

And finally….sneak peek no more!

“Stop, Go” For Light Grey Art Lab’s Exhibition “6 Degrees”

6 Degrees opens today, Friday, December 6, 2013 from 7-10pm
Light Grey Art Lab
118 E 26th Street #101
Minneapolis MN 55406

You can buy a print of this piece here at the Light Grey Art Lab Shop.