.Pro Lost 30% Of Its Registrations Yesterday; 123,000 Domain Names as Last Years $3 Promotional Rate Domain Start to Expire

Posted on the 24 February 2017 by Worldwide @thedomains

Over 120,000 domain names ending in the domain extension .Pro got deleted yesterday according to RegistrarStats.com

.Pro which opened itself up in November 2015, lifting the previous restrictions which were in place since it’s inception, saw some nice organic growth up to 175,000 domain names, until February of 2016 when the main domain registrar for .pro domain name Encirca.com, started running a $3 promotion on new registrations.

Now a year many of these domains which were registered under the $3 promotional rate came up for renewal and the registrations numbers for .pro fell off the cliff (as you can see from the chart).

Encirca is charging $12 for a .pro registration at the moment.

According to RegistrarStats.com, .Pro never hit 150,000 registrations when it was restricted but before the promotion a year ago.Pro domain registration sat at around 175K domains.

Today .pro has 250,000 registrations, even after the 123,000 domain name loss yesterday, but there maybe more losses ahead as the domains registered under the promotion continue to come up for renewal.