Pro-aborts in Texas Hail Satan

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Need any more proof that the pro-choice crowd are really satanic death cultists?

Steven Ertelt reports for, July 3, 2013, that among the many offensive signs and slogans of pro-abortion protests outside the state capitol in Austin, Texas, none is more offensive than activists yelling “Hail Satan” as pro-lifers sang “Amazing Grace.”

The pro-aborts are opposing the late-term abortion ban in Texas.

Bill Donohue, the feisty warrior of the Catholic League, responded to LifeNews about the “Hail Satan” chants:

“It would be unfair to say that all pro-abortion supporters would support this obscenity, and indeed most would not. Among hard-core activists, though, there are [...] writers and activists who support more than abortion rights—they hail it as a positive good. For example, the book by women’s studies professor Patricia Lunneborg, Abortion: A Positive Decision, boasts how abortion liberates women. The volume, Abortion is a Blessing, by militant atheist Anne Nicol Gaylor, sees abortion as a sacred right. So does French author Ginette Paris: her book, The Sacrament of Abortion, tells us exactly where she is coming from. [...] [W]hen someone in the pro-life community acts in an offensive way, he is quickly condemned. By contrast, there are pro-abortion fanatics who draw their inspiration from Satanic forces. Worse, many of those in the pro-abortion community are quite content to stay silent about such offenses.”

There’s a video of the Satanists on the LifeNews site (click here). At the 0:28 mark, you’ll see this young woman wearing sunglasses yell “Hail Satan.”

The pro-abort death cultists, however, are doing more than “hailing” Satan, their master. As Ertelt reports on July 2, 2013, the paid protesters are threatening pro-life state legislators and their staffers. The pic below shows one of the threats: “Keep your laws off my body and I’ll keep my hands off your throat.”

Death threatens, harassing emails and phone calls and calls for their daughters to be raped are among the hate targeted at pro-life lawmakers.

As recounted by Betsy Woodruff for National Review, a female protester threatened Texas State Representative Jonathan Stickland to “pummel” his face in. On the day of the filibuster, Stickland brought some male supporters into his office because he didn’t want his female staffers to be alone. “We brought in extra people to make sure the office was going to be safe,” he says.

Stickland was also concerned for his personal safety. He and a few other pro-life representatives went onto the Senate floor during the filibuster and couldn’t leave until 1:30 am because they were afraid of the crowd. Protesters in the gallery yelled threats and verbal abuse at him. He said, “Everywhere I went, they were tweeting pictures of ‘Stickland’s in the elevator’ or ‘Stickland’s on the move.’”

Stickland and the other pro-life representatives couldn’t move around the Capitol without security because of safety concerns. “It was horrendous,” he says, adding that he was “absolutely” worried about being the target of violence. “I continue to be very concerned about it.”

But Stickland and members of his staff have taken extra measures to protect themselves. They are all licensed to carry concealed handguns. Stickland avoided answering National Review’s question if he would be carrying a weapon during the special legislative session, but he did admit that “I very, very often do concealed-carry.”

Pro-life Texas State Senator Donna Campbell is also the target of extensive verbal abuse and threats from pro-aborts. Campbell’s spokesman Jon Oliver said they’ve received Facebook messages and e-mails saying, “I hope you’re raped” and “I hope your daughter’s raped.”

The pro-aborts are also recruiting children to become protesters. A little girl is shown in a picture along with pro-abortion protestors holding a sign saying, “If I wanted the government in my womb, I’d f— a senator.”
