Prince Johan Friso – Dutch Prince Fights for His Life After Avalanche.

By Solarisastro @solarisastro

A nasty accident in the Austrian Alps in the past few days. Dutch Prince Johan Friso, second Son of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands was caught in a sudden avalanche in the ski resort of Lech. He was rescued after being covered by snow for around 15-20 minutes and now is fighting for his life in hospital.

The accident occurred at around midday on 17th February, a bad time for the 43 year old prince. Notice that transiting Mars was conjunct to his natal Pluto Mars conjunction as well as being square to his Sagittarian Moon. The natal Nodal Axis was also receiving a close square from transiting Pluto which rules his chart. With Aries ruling the Prince’s 5th house of sport and taking risks plus the 6th house of health and Pluto ruling the Prince’s 1st house of his physical body, you can see the link between these two planets and danger to his well-being.

Of course the avalanche was a happening that he could not predict, which is where Pluto’s square to the Nodal Axis comes in. Aspects involving the Nodes often bring events to pass over which one has no control. With an avalanche you do not have any control, unless of course you venture into an area which was known to be dangerous at the time. To add to this picture, the Moon through Cancer rules the Prince’s 9th house of international affairs; this accident took place while he was on holiday. We have the transiting Sun square to Neptune, and transiting Neptune trine his Sun which could well have clouded his judgment on where to ski on the day.

Finally, we have Uranus opposing it’s natal position and we find Aquarius intercepted in the 3rd house of short journeys and local travel, skiing if anywhere would be considered a form of moving around your environment; Uranus of course is the planets of shocks and accidents. Finally, transiting Mercury was making a focused quindecile to Prince’s Mars. Mercury rules the Prince’s 8th house of death and 10th house of public image; a difficult angle for Mercury to be at.

One hopes he will recover, and will make a full recovery.