Primary Teachers Are Brushing up Their French Language Skills for Their Pupils

By Tlb

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Foreign language learning among numerous primary schools in Europe has offer an entitlement to pupils to learn a language for the past five years already. Usually, the typical foreign language they generally teach is French, and according to a source, around three-quarters of primary schools were using their own staff to plan and teach languages.

Foreign language learning among secondary pupils is not really that compulsory compared to primary pupils. Which is, no wonder, a particular primary teacher at St Bede’s Middle School in Redditch, Worcestershirein the name of Linda Gordon kind of struggled with this situation. You see, her last serious review to learn French language was when she passed her O-level while at school in the 1960s; and since we’ve mentioned that primary schools were mandated to teach foreign languages among primary pupils, teachers in the said primary school was tasked to do so.

This circumstance is totally difficult for a person who, with all do respect, took foreign language learning several months ago. Surely there were things that the teacher doesn’t remember anymore because her knowledge was limited. She just had her last learning back at the 1960’s. “…I wasn’t sure how much I would remember, or even if my recall was correct,” she said.

“But when the English department was asked to contribute to the teaching of French I knew I had to give it a go, as I had some prior knowledge. However, I was lacking in confidence and wanted some reassurance that I was teaching it right,” she added.

Well, Ms. Gordon was not the only teacher who struggled in this dilemma. That is why the University of Worcester has launched a course to “up-skill” those teachers who undergone language learning. This is certainly good news for those teachers who want to “freshen up” their knowledge in French language so that they can be more reliable and précised with what they are teaching. Besides, it doesn’t mean that their audience is primary pupils, they have to jeopardize the quality of the knowledge they teach. The up-skill program will definitely give them the chance to teach proper French.

The said up-skill course was scheduled every Wednesday evening, and according to The Independent, “11 primary teachers from a variety of schools around the West Midlands log on to their computers set up their webcams and take part in a 90-minute lesson in a virtual classroom. Initially, courses are offered in French, though other languages, including Spanish, will be offered as the course evolves.”

Isn’t it great? The people who have been given the opportunity to learn French are both the teachers and the pupils. Indeed, learning a second language is a great opportunity to acquire knowledge to the fullest!