Pride and Prejudice 05/07/2013

By Esterstalk @esterstalk

On Tuesday, May 7th, my school organized a trip to theater in a different town. We watched the play Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. I really enjoy watching plays in theaters, especially when the plays have a good story line.

Pride and Prejudice is the best play I have seen so far. I was really excited to see it and was expecting that I was going to like, but not this much. I kind of knew what it was going to be about because I’ve seen the movie Bride&Prejudice, which is a Bollywood musical version. I recommend this movie to everyone (the music in it was really good). Even though I’ve seen this version of Pride and Prejudice, I was interested in seeing it as the original story with the original setting.

I liked the play from the beginning – I kept smiling from the beginning. The actors were good and their outfits resembled the time and setting of the story. There were also moments when the play was funny which made the play not boring. 

I know there is also a movie with Keira Knightley and I am going to watch it when I have time. It can be interesting to see the same story in another way and style and with different actors. I will review the movie once I see it and compare it to the play. 

I’ve been planning on also reading the book and now that I have seen the play, I want to read it even more. I know the story but I want to see how Jane Austen developed the characters in the book. I want to get the little details that cannot be seen in movies or plays. I will start reading it as soon as I’m done with the book I am currently reading.

At the end, I want to strongly suggest either reading the book or watching the movie, or both. I will get back to you about the movie and book