Preview: SEXCASTLE OGN by Kyle Starks (Image)

Posted on the 10 February 2015 by Comicscritic @comicscritic
THE WORLD’S GREATEST ASSASSIN GETS PULLED OUT OF RETIREMENT IN SEXCASTLE Sexcastle Matt Fraction calls the action graphic novel “a perfect mix of homage and comedy”   Here’s a short four page preview of the action comedy – Sexcastle, an original graphic novel by creator Kyle Starks, on sale March 18th, 2015 from Image Comics.   Press Release “Sexcastle is a perfect mix of homage and comedy, action and irony, loving tribute and hilarious send-up of the great, good, and ungodly-bad action movies of the ‘80s. I don’t remember the last time a debut book hit me this hard. Literally, this book punched me in the face. It’s THAT mean.” —Matt Fraction In this original graphic novel by Kyle Starks, the World’s Greatest Assassin has left the world of killing and moved to a small rural town—only to be pulled back into the field in SEXCASTLE—an original graphic novel from Image Comics coming in March. “I was raised on 80s action movies, romanced by the genre: the big action, tough guy dialogue, ridiculous situations and fantastic villains,” said Starks. “I just wanted to make the best possible comic using that language and I’m excited to share it with as many people as I can.” SEXCASTLE is an exciting and hilarious action romp in the style of classic ’80s action films and in the vein of Grosse Pointe Blank. It will be in comic book stores on March 18 and in bookstores on March 31 and can be pre-ordered now. Sexcastle Cover SEXCASTLE ISBN 978-1-63215-300-5 Diamond Comic order code JAN150621 208 pages, paperback, black and white $15.99 Rated Mature In comic book stores March 18, bookstores March 31 Retailers, librarians, and reviewers may request a PDF galley from Jennifer de Guzman, Director of Trade Book Sales,